Recently a customer asked me how to add a browser window to the lockscreen before login so they can add their "old" Password selfservice solution add again to the user experience.
Microsoft added the Password self service solution to Azure AD Premium also for local clients without the need for a website. You can reset your password directly on the logon screen. By clicking on "Problems Logging In?"
Sorry the picture shows it on Windows 8 but for Windows 10 I did not find a picture. Microsoft either. But it looks nearly the same in the UI experience.
To verify your self you will receive a phone call on a pre registered phone. It may also include additional security questions when you add them during the verification process.
You need therefore either Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) or Azure Active Directory Premium which includes the onpremise license for the full MIM for server and client. Thats why I state "nearby" builtin. You need a "little extra MS".
If you have Enterprise Mobility & Security then you have it already :-)
Here you find more info and screenshots about it.