This is my HoloLens page. Check it out from time to time as it receives updates with new insights.
So for what is it in general. First of all most people think HoloLens is just a nice gadget. People thought that also from smartphones in the early days. Just "nice" to use your fingers instead of a keyboard. Today nobody would consider a smartphone just as a nice gadget anymore.
Same is expected with HoloLens. Today the largest demand is already in the industry. This reflects also the Microsoft offering for having HoloLens hardware in 2 editions. The developer edition which is technically (Hardware) identically with the commercial edition. But the developer edition comes for 3000 $ and the commercial edition comes for 5000 $.
Features of the commercial edition (mainly related to management features and security) see here:
When we talk about industry demand then watch this video here:
VIDEO on YouTube If you are more interested in one of the shown or other use cases then checkout this YouTube Channel (HoloLens Partner Spotligths)
Here you may get glimpse of apps running on the HoloLens (just a few examples)
DEMOing HoloLens:
0. MOST IMPORTANT: Ensure you have a safe spot without traps to fall. Its good to observe the person to make sure it will not collide with anything.
1. Setup the Device Portal on the HoloLens (only once needed). See here:
2. Make sure the Lens is charged fully.
3. Have your SmartPhone at hand with good data plan and internet sharing capability (Why? HoloLens need internet for proper functionality. E.g. when you use Cortana its useless without Internet. Also for the Device Portal Page this is necessary!)
4. Connect your HoloLens with your SmartPhone with Internet connection sharing feature.
5. Check the IP address in SETTINGS -> NETWORK -> Advanced Settings.
6. Connect to the portal by using HTTP://DEVICEIPADRESS on your second device (tablet etc.)
7. Use the initially given user to access the device portal. (I use user demo)
8. Go to "Mixed Reality Capture" (depending on WLAN you may want to adjust your Live Preview Quality). Keep in mind there is always a time lag between what the users see and what you see in the preview. Some FULL Experience Apps like "HoloTours" you see NOTHING in the Preview unless you turn of the "PV Camera"). I would also suggest to turn off "Mic Audio" and "App Audio"
Good starting points for a demo are:
1. EXPLAIN Gaze, Airtap and Bloom gesture OR Getting Startet App helps to navigate. You need to explain the "Bloom" gesture separately! (as the get started app get confused by it).
2. HoloAnatomy (shows the human body. Great to explain that you can even "enter" holograms)
3. Galaxy Explorer (navigate to the solar system and then to the sun and the earth. You will see the moon circling around the earth).
4. HoloHeart (demonstrate the heart and let it beat!)
5. HoloTours (start with Rome and be sure you TURN OFF the "PV camera" so you see only "Holograms" in device portal mixed reality capture).
6. Holograms-App (place a globe, a shuttle and an astronaut somewhere in the room). The astronaut had visual animation when you click the play button. I suggest you do this upfront and demonstrate the air tap gesture on it.
Actually that's it. There is much much more to show but it will just break your time. If there is more time you could show:
1. HoloStudio (to create holographic elements but this takes a lot of time!)
2. HoloMaps (to visualize cities and actions in it. Good for police, fireman, city developer)
3. 3D Builder allows you to import customer drawings from CATIA, SolidWorks, AutoCAD and other Autodesk products like Maya.
4.Fragments (which is a detective game also takes a lot of time)
5.ActionGram (to play with interactive holographic persons and objects, tell stories and record them)