(UPDATED 08/17/2017)
I have some fast acting animations in my video and it turns out that even Skype screen recording is not fast enough in sampling the frames.
Finally I found the best builtin and free screen recorder available ever
for Windows 10.
Initially to get it running I had to make sure to get the X-Box app back that initially my company removed from my machine. (Thanks to store you can install it back on again on your machine).
How does it work?
1. Open the application you want to record on the window you want to record.
2. open the Game bar by pressing WIN+G
4. You will see now the recording panel
There you have the ability to:
- Start the recording with the "Red Button"
- Start a screenshot with the "Camera Button"
- Start a background recording with the "Arrow backward recording"
5. After pressing recording UI changed to this:
And let you stop the recording there as well. You will not see the box in your game and you could even minimize it. ALT+G brings it back if hidden.
6. If clicking on the gear you get the builtin settings but there is even more!
These are the level 1 settings you can set. But there is even more when clicking on "Edit more preferences in Windows Settings"
7. In the settings app you can configure the the Keyboard shortcuts etc.
8. Dont miss the "Game DVR" settings where you can setup the real stuff like storing location FPS sampling, Video quality, Audio settings etc.
UPDATE 08/17/2017
Sorry but I just missed also to mention the great video cutting capabilities of the XBOX app. You can open in the XBOX app your created video and simply cutting the start and the end you need.
Therfore open the Video in XBOX Game DVR and select "Trim"