
Monday, November 23, 2015

SystemCenter Config Manager 2016 Technical Preview 4 publicly available

SystemCenter Configuration Manager 2016 Technical Preview 4 is now publicly available! Same as with Windows Server 2016 TP4 no production support available! This is for testing only.

This is the last technical preview before the general availability (GA) of the current branch of System Center Configuration Manager. This release is a great opportunity for you to get your hands on the next version and try it out before it is officially available!
New features in this technical preview include:
  • Mobile Device management (MDM): enhanced feature parity with Intune standalone – With this technical preview, many of the MDM features that are supported via Intune standalone (cloud only) are also enabled for Configuration Manager integrated with Intune (hybrid). MS will publish additional information later this year about the specific capabilities which will be supported with a hybrid deployment. 
  • Integration with Windows Update for Business – With Technical Preview 4, you have the ability to view the list of devices that are controlled by Windows Update for Business.  
  • Certificate provisioning for Windows 10 devices managed via on-premises mobile device management
While this build is very similar to the final System Center Configuration Manager build, it also includes several features for early preview. You will notice that this technical preview is a full setup and not an upgrade from previous releases. Moving forward, this release will be used as a baseline to deliver technical preview updates, similar to how we have delivered updates to Technical Preview 3 in September and October.

If you may wonder there is an internal difference between SystemCenter and SystemCenter Configuration Manager. When you are in WSSC TAP (MS Beta Program) you operate on Windows Client&Server and the rest of the SystemCenter products exept on SystemCenter Configuration Manager where a dedicated TAP program is available. Some things are more equal than others ;-)

Also keep in mind there is a ton of new functionality around the new endpoint protection. With Windows 10, System Center Configuration Manager Technical Preview will manage Windows Defender on Windows 10 computers without installing a separate Endpoint Protection agent. This means that all malware management and reporting will now come from Defender. The Endpoint Protection agent is still required for Windows 8.1 and earlier Windows operating systems. But there are much more new features like cloud scan. Stay tuned to find out more here.


Download SCCM TP4 here:

Tons of good free official MS Ebooks can be found here: